Thursday, November 18, 2010

Going tomorrow...
Can't wait to eat on the airplane!!!
The only thing I like about going overseas by flight is the taking off and landing of the plane,
And the food that is served on the plane...
Plus the television on the plane too.
First time sitting on China Air...
Can't wait!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sometimes I really wonder...
Am I good at anything at all?
Those whom I know do at least have something that they do well in.
While I?
I don't seem to have anything that I do well in.
Monday, November 8, 2010

Every time I use the computer,
Google is one of the first websites I go to.
It's just a habit...
I just got my Biology textbook for next year,
And the cover page had the structure of the human body.
The skeletal system.
And because I was getting quite sick of looking at bones (I'm not going to mention the other times),
I switched on the computer.
And this Google sign was the first thing I saw when I came upon the Google page.
Thursday, November 4, 2010

I got into 3e1 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!),
But I didn't get Pure Geog.
Cos only three pathetic people (one of them being me) chose Pure Geog.
The rest chose Bio.
So now this is my combination:
Pure Phy
Pure Chem
Pure Bio
Elective Geog & SS
Same class as Rachel and Neha!!!!!!