I was watching The Great Big Zombie Apocalypse on YouTube just now.
Super funny nia!
I'm now going to enjoy an hour or so watching anime.

Results are back!!!
As in results for whole year...
But first,
I'll tell you my results for EOY:
Eng--68/100 (B3)
Geog--81/100 (A1)
Hist--75/100 (A1)
Lit--79/100 (A1)
Science{combined}--75/100 (A1)
Math--77/100 (A1)
Home Economics--77/100 (A1)
Mother Tongue--54.5 (C6)
Art--58/100 (C5)
And then the results for the whole year is=
*Sorry, too lazy to type out*
Math & Science--Distinction (both A2)
So all the marks added throughout the year would bring me to have=
6 A's.
One A1, 5 A2s.
I'm 8th in class, and 37th in the whole cohort...
PLEASE LET ME GET INTO 3E1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On to other stuff.
Went to Lot One with Rachel and Venessa to watch movie.
Bought tickets for The Child's Eye.
Went home to bathe and eat.
Then went back to Lot One to meet them.
Smuggled in marshmallows.
Show was like super funny.
Venessa and I kept laughing,
While Rachel (who insisted on sitting in between us in case something grabbed her) covered her face with a jacket for throughout the whole show.
Plus she kept squealing and I could feel her shivering.
It's not scary at all.
Turns out to be some sort of tragic love story.
There was one part where the guy's tongue got chopped into half.
That was the most gory part.
That was the only disgusting part.
The rest of the show was retarded but entertaining.
Go watch.
Good entertainment.
Laugh like mad.
I wanna go watch another Pang Brother's horror movie with Venessa again!
Then we can laugh together :)
Oh oh oh!
10 minutes into the movie,
Rachel was already squealing into the jacket and going "I wish I never agreed to watch it," & "Can I just leave now?" & "The ghost go already anot?!?!?!" & "Amelia!!! Can I open my eyes already?!"

My dad now watching.
Free from exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some results are already released...
I'm happy now...
But not necessarily happy when my Math and other subjects are out...
So far...:
Literature: 79/100 (A1)
Geography (only Section A&B, C's not out, so overall not confirmed): 29/35 (A1)
Chemistry: 73.5/100 (A2)
Biology: 74/100 (A2)
Going to watch more MrBrown now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Living my life with happiness now!
Totally random uh.

Should I take Pure Geography?
Or Pure Biology?
Forgot it...
I don't even know if I can make it lah...
For my Chinese I mean...
Today was Chinese.
Which is like 'UGH'.

Still stressed...
Had Math and History papers today...
I want to get into 3e1.
And yet I have no hope for my History paper...
Cause LAZY me only memorized all the notes today...
But thankfully I could answer all the questions...
But still,
I'm not keeping my hopes high...
I WANNA GO 3e1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And take A-Maths...
I dislike EOY.
Burns my brain cells...
Chinese paper tomorrow...
Totally no hope for that.
Except maybe for the composition and comprehension.
But if you're talking about being tested on vocab...
BYEBYE marks.
Ps. I must keep up hope!!!