Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm still stressed...
I want to take A-Math,
Pure Science,
And pure Geog.
But then...
Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm stressed.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lunch by the Lake
Serene Australia.
Venessa and I having our lunch facing Herdsman Lake.
Superb view.
Freshest air you can ever imagine.

These are clay marbles.
Hand made by Yours Truly.
Which means me,
If you don't get it...
End of Year in 2 WEEKs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Revising like mad these days.
About the speed skating camp,
I don't wanna talk about it cause it's obviously not my type of sport.
I knew that the moment the coach Yves Nadeau started talking about the sport.
I could have gone home after lunch but I decided to stay 'cos I wanted to skate on ice,
Which I have not done so in like 5 or 6 years.
And besides,
The entrance fee was free.
So why not?
Before the ice skating part we had to do 3 1/2 hours of warm-ups...
Which left me with sore muscles up till today...
But it's getting better though...
Made two new friends-Jinger and Elisabel.
Will be going out together during either the Nov or Dec hols.
Going to Orchard,
Most likely.
On to other stuff...
[I've got a lot to report, since I've not blogged for so long due to revisions and all stuffs]
I'm cramming notes into my brains,
And burning all my brain cells at the same time by doing so.
Not only that,
I've got to complete a Literature project on PowerPoint and e-mail it to Mr Tan...
And then it's back to revising.
After that I've got to practice my viola...
Plus prepare for the English Oral exam next Thursday...
Had the Mother Tongue oral exam yesterday...
Horrific I tell you.
The passage reading part was easy ('cos the passage was from last year -_-),
But when it came to the conversation part,
I totally messed up.
Got to go now and continue burning my brain cells with work and Lit project...
Saturday, September 4, 2010

My father's watching this show now...
So while I'm sneaking some episodes of Duang Jai Patiharn behind him at the table,
I'm also watching it at the same time.
Super interesting...
I did warn you that I'm weird...
So well...
Lake Chad dried up!
And erm...
The CO2 in the air...
Going to cast my full attention on what I'm doing now.

So excited!!!
Speed Skating Camp next week!!!
And erm...
Remember I said I went back to KPS with Emelia?
I've got more time to type about it now...
So we went back.
Wanted to use Gate B but it was locked,
So obviously everyone had to go through Gate A.
Met Emelia after I waited for around one minute.
Just before I went in I saw Jannah.
A couple of boys just towered over us...
Emelia was like, "I feel so small now..."
And I was like, "You're not the only one feeling small you know..."
Which is true...
It's amazing how they were so short and cute and now BOOM!
They're taller and more 'pai kia'...
After the Mr Wang (I can still remember him!!!) chased everyone out of KPS at 2 30pm,
Eme and I went to a void deck and chatted until 4 00pm...
Chatted about lots of stuff...
I WANT TO GO BACK TOO EME ONG JX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Might be a holiday today,
But I've still got loads of work to do...