Friday, January 29, 2010
I had been meaning to upload these photos I took last year in the changing room at NUS during Spectrum IV...
We were doing the play Boys.Flowers.Hairspray.
And yea...
I took this in October.
Horrific right?
The pictures were stuck in my phone up till now...

Nessie, Priya, Jeremy, Miss Chermaine and Cassie.

Miss Chermaine doing Cassandra's hair...

I have no idea why Nessie is sitting there like that...

Easaias helping Jeremy with the make-up...

Jeremy dunno doing what.
Actually wanted to take Bobby and his makeup skills but Jeremy cut in just at that moment...

Make up...

We had to clean up the mess we made. and we weren't exactly happy...

Wardrobe mistress. Apirame!

The room is quite big...

They even have sinks in the room!
But yea, this is a changing room after all...

Backstage crew lounging...
I think that's Cassie...
Trying to pull on her socks (?)
So that's it...
Nessie and I went to viola class just now...
Today was the last lesson we have with Feng Yue...
There's a new teacher coming in next week...
Hope we like her.
And today I composed a song on the straight back piano in Studio 6 (where we have the viola class)...
Feng Yue commented that it would give her nightmares at night cause it's so eerie...
And Nessie said that it sounded like what they payed at funerals...
But they did say that despite its eerie tune it was nice...\
And I thought so too!
I just pressed a few keys and suddenly there I am playing out a piece I've never heard of before!
After the class we went to 7Eleven and Nessie bought a hotdog bun (with the hotdog in the centre of the bun).
I just bought some cream sweets...
I don't know if you know this but I'm horrendously addicted to ice cream and milk or cream sweets!
But the sweets must be the hard crunchy types, not the chewy ones...
I wanna go now...
PS. The novel I'm writing, The Ganglord's Sister is coming along fine... :)
So byes!!!
I'm currently reading this book by Nora Roberts...
Omicrap SHE IS GOOD!
The book is titled
Portrait of Death...
I LUV it!!!
And there's no Drama today.
Cause um...
Well we had Drama for the past 3 days,
So I guess everyone's whacked out...
And today,
Poor little me got berated (I think it's the right word to use) by Mr Chui today...
Oh don't get me wrong,
I'm not the 'bad' type ok.
And anyway,
Let me relay the scene to you...
Amelia was walking into the school,And in front of her was an Upper Sec boy.Since he cut across the car park lot and Mr Chui (who was standing with a loudspeaker in his hand) did not yell at him.So, Seeing this, Amelia decided to also walk that way,Since it would be nearer to where she wanted to meet Neha and ah Xian.But, As she turned,She heard Mr Chui saying (with that thing blaring across the lot) "Eh, girl! Walk straight towards the canteen! Follow the footprints on the ground!"Amelia rolled her eyes and turned towards the canteen.After she was on the pathway leading from the canteen to the foyer,She turned back to continue towards the foyer while on the pathway.Where she did not think any teacher would be stupid enough to try to drive on the pathway.But she was forced to turn when she heard Mr Chui (-_-) chiding her again,"Girl! I said do not turn back! Unless you are going to the foyer [you use the other path], you don't turn back! I told you to walk straight! Follow the footprints! Go into the canteen!!!"Amelia pissed off, Turned away and said "shyt you" before rambling on towards the canteen.Other than that,
The day passed without any other incident.
Anyway, I do't think that even the stupidest of all people will try to get themselves killed in the middle of the school's parking lot...
And the teachers driving in won't want to have blood on their hands either...
I need to eat lunch now.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Beautiful rays...
I took this photo (yes, it was taken by me) when I was walking home from Drama.
It wasn't exactly what you'll call 'taken while I was walking home from Drama',
Cause I was still in school when I took it.
I was walking towards the gate when I looked up;
I have a tendency to look up into the sky when I go out towards the gate.
So today I looked up again,
And what I saw literally took my breath away.
Just in front of me,
Big and majestic,
Was a cloud (covered by the tree).
But it wasn't just any cloud.
Four thick light rays shone out from behind it.
It seems like the type of situation when God is coming down in the movies.
Heh heh...
I continued staring at it...
Then realised that it would only last a few minutes...
I hurriedly took my cell phone out and snapped a photo of it.
Then I yelled for Venessa...
And when she came I pointed to the 'Light'.
And she started screaming for Iman, Jannah and Fana.
Then she herself took photos.
Iman was like "Wow,"
And then she also took a photo.
I was so excited you know.
I took another 2 photos.
And then Venessa, Iman and I went to buy waffles...
I don't think I'll ever see anything as beautiful as this ever again,
Though I hope so...
The 'Light' I saw was more majestic,
More real,
Than the picture above.
I love the photo I took!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I love Mozart!
Both the dead composer and my rabbit...
That was very random but anyway...
I want to go overseas and study in a music school!!!
And then become a professional violist, classical singer and actress...
I'm so weird right?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Yesterday Nessie and I lugged our violas happily to Bukit Batok...
And today,
We yet again lugged them to Bukit Batok for our class!
Cause the viola teacher did not come last Friday,
So she made up for it today...
Nessie complained to me just now,
"Eh! Why you always one step ahead of me???"
And I was like "Huh? Got meh?"
But no lah...
Don't have lah.
It's just that I'm so obsessed with my viola (called Viki, LOL),
And I practice on it everyday for one hour...
She's now learning Ode to Joy,
And I'm on Vivaldi's Spring No. 1...
And although I play it slowly (I have to get used to it right!),
I think the sound comes out just fine.
And the new teacher will be coming in the week after next.
And she said (through our current teacher) that she was fine with Fridays 5-6.
I do not like having viola lessons on Saturdays...
Cause that's the day for my revisions...
Forget I even typed that out.
I have no idea why I'm doing that but never mind.
It's so late now,
And I'm going to sleep soon...
But not before I type a few sentences in my novel
The Ganglord's Sister.
I know I keep talking (or rather typing) about it...
But seriously.
Oh forget it.
I'm tired.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I'm totally addicted with the new novel that I'm writing,
The Ganglord's Sister...
I'm going crazy.
I was crazy with Nessie just now...
And oh...
I have not played with Mozart yet.
Currently reading the book
Les Miserables,
Which a lot of people said is "Freaking thick!" "Damn huge!" "So many words!" "So many paragraphs!"...
"Omigawd! How you manage to read?" (I did not say that, and I reproach myself for typing that out),
"Crap! Your reading power is abnormal!"
"Your English is so chim!!!"
No it is not.
I just read because I love to read.
And I personally do not think the book is 'huge'.
It's a great story,
Written with great depth.
I love
Les Miserables!!!
:) :) :)
There's Drama tomorrow.
And viola class...
Gotta lug the viola to school again...
At least I'm not like a certain someone called Neha who has to drag her violoncello to school...
Pity her.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I know I promised to upload pictures of Mozart...
Her they are!!!


He seems to love sitting in his food bowl... He always does this!!!


Behind a potted plant.
Whenever we let him out he always likes to go behind the plants.
Then we have trouble catching him...


Standing tall!!!
So there they are.
And I've changed the setting of The Ganglord's Sister...
Now it is set in the ancient times.
In the fictional land of Kanner.
The girl's name is still Velerie.
And she was banished to the small island of Far Away when she was 15.
Now, at the age of 17,
She is determined to go back to her fatherland,
Despite the fact that she would be killed if she went back.
Because her brother,
Lex, the leader of the most notorious gang in Kanner is in jail.
And in a few months time to be executed.
Like his sister,
Lex was wronged by one of the king's advisor.
So now,
As Lex awaits the gallows,
His younger sister will take on all the odds to free her family's name,
And to rescue her brother.
On her way,
She meets a cold, handsome stranger.
She finds him familiar,
But she does not know where she has seen him before.
He has a dark secret,
And Velerie herself is a secret.
And that's all I will say...
Monday, January 18, 2010
I'm currently really pissed right now...
I'm sorry about the use of language.
But that's another thing...
I'm pissed because I have two big pimples:
One one my nose (!),
And the other smack right in the middle of my forehead,
In between the eyebrows (!!!).
So I look very much like an Indian.
No offence...
And Venessa and I went crazy again today.
In class we communicated with the Vemelia Language.
Which is what she and I made up...
The people around me were entertained...
I was flailing my arms around and so was she...
Need to give hay to Mozart...
Need to complete my Maths tuition homework,
Plus the worse thing is that the tuition is at 7 15pm later.
And I have not even bathed yet...
And Mommy's coming home now,
From Orchard Road,
So I'll have to be off the com' in a few minutes so I can go bathe...
I'm driving myself crazy because I want to get a Grade 5/6 in 2012...
Which is like 2 years away...
I like Drama,
But I'm not really happy
in it...
Don't fit in...
Is there anything else to say?
I want to go and study overseas in a music school...
But erm...
So I'll have to be the best of the best in Singapore if I want to go to a music school in England...
Only geniuses can do it.
Let's hope I'm a genius then, ya?
But I've set my mind...
I WILL do my best...
I think I really need to go now...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Just a short post...
I'll be uploading photos of Mozart when I'm free...
He looks like some sort of fluffed up furball...
Friday, January 15, 2010
I feel cheated of my money...
Already we are paying $90 for THREE viola lessons a month (when it is supposed to be $90 for 4 lessons) because one week in a month would be 'Music Concerto Holiday'.
But that's not the worst thing.
The worst thing is,
Nessie and I totally wasted our time
and money going to Bukit Batok...
The guy from Music Concerto called to say that our teacher was sick and that lesson was cancelled.
We were already there when I called him.
Ok, so it's particularly our fault too...
Cause he called during Drama...
Oh forget it.
I'm going to continue with my novels now.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I borrowed a book titled
Thursday's Children during recess...
I read through Math class (I know... I'm horrible),]
And I almost finished the book.
There are only a few pages left for me to read.
After Assembly (where they yet again let us of 15 minutes late),
I rushed to the LRT station.
Only to be slowed down by a relaxed Nessie.
We met Kit at Jelapang Station and then sat to CCK.
Nessie went home and Kit and I traveled to YTP to have lunch.
Actually thought we were going to eat at the food court...
Ended up eating at Burger King...
Unhealthy yea...
Owe her $1.95...
But it was fun...
She's turned gloomy this year though...
Blames it on her being the class chairman...
Says her class is good in academics but horrible in attitude...
Perhaps so...
But I can't judge them.
I'm not even in her school...
I want to go out with her again for lunch!!!
We relished the old times and talked about the new...
Want to watch anime now...
And Mozart stinks...
He needs a powder bath...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
There are new rules in the Black Box (where the Drama Club meets every Tuesday and Friday),
And we ain't liking it...
1) If you have long fringe (swept to the side of your face), clip it up.
2) No eating or drinking, water is an exception (we used to eat
and drink in the Black Box).
3)Wear your Drama Club tee every time you have a Club meeting (which is Tues and Fri).
4) No mobile phones in your pocket while in the Black Box...
That's all I can remember...
We dislike (some people will say HATE) the rules...
They weren't there last year...
And even though we ate a variety of food in the B.B (Black Box),
We kept it spotless!
But oh well...
I'm still writing my novel
The Forbidden Princess.
And now,
After getting a brainstorm from Venessa (who initiated the brainstorm),
I'm also going to write another novel.
This one is titled
The Ganglord's Sister.
It's about this sixteen year old girl (Velerie) whose elder brother is the leader of one of the most notorious gang in the fictional country of Kanner.
No one knows she's the sister of the leader of the most notorious gang in Kanner.
And she's not going to tell anyone.
Velerie leads a normal school life,
Having friends and getting straight A's.
The gang's meeting is held every night in the huge basement of their bungalow.
Oh, by the way,
Velerie and her brother live together alone in a bungalow inherited from their parents.
Velerie abhors her brother's gang meetings,
Because her room is directly above their 'Gang Room'.
And when she tries to sleep,
They will be training and making a fracas...
Despite always getting scolded by her brother,
And scolding her brother,
She loves him dearly.
That's all for now.
Monday, January 11, 2010
I have no idea why I'm blogging...
I'm having streaming this year.
4 major exams...
Spectrum V...
Viola classes (I'm aiming to be a grade 5 by end December.
Responsibility of taking care of Mozart (my bunny)...
And to bear with the fact that even though I have a lot of people whom I call my friends,
I'm pretty much alone...
I'm going to change.
From now on,
I'll be more matured,
I'm seriously confused...
I try to be friendly with people from the Drama Club and well,
I think I'm
scaring them instead of actually
befriending them!
But still,
I can't complain.
I'm annoying,
Maybe that's why I can't fit in...
When I go shopping again with my mom,
I think I'll buy more dresses and jeans...
And collar tees and skirts...
I'm actually starting to like jeans again...
I need to go now.
Tuition at 7 15pm...
Forgive any incoherence...
I'm not exactly what you'll call relaxed right now...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I forgot to mention that I got my retainer yesterday...
It's something like braces,
But then it isn't...
It's just to close the gap between my two front upper teeth,
And push my jaw forward...
And I have to wear it for like ONE year...
24 hours/7 days
Never mind.
I can survive.
It doesn't really hurt,
And it isn't really uncomfortable.
But if I touch the first 2 teeth,
Then they would hurt slightly.
But it's all for good right?
I'm going to bear with it.
This year is an important year.
And a serious year.
I've become even closer to Li Ying,
And much more so with Neha, Xian Hui, Nessie and Florence.
My playing (on the viola) is getting smoother.
Hopefully I can get into a music school in England with Nessie by end next year...
Sounds crazy?
But I'm going to work my best...
And I want to get into 3E1 if I don't get to go to a music school with Nessie...
Monday, January 4, 2010
First Day Of SCHOOL.
Well, not really...
But still.
You get the idea of first day madness right?
Went to school,
Squealed (it came without my knowing!) when I saw Neha and ah Xian.
3 new classmates.
Two from other schools,
One from NA stream (Normal Academic)...
One of the new girl (oh, they're all girls) is from China.
Really nice.
Called Li Ying.
Went with her for recess with Neha and ah Xian.
Since that ah 'salt' (Xian) is so awesome in Mandarin,
She was talking with Li Ying throughout the whole recess...
But they were in the library.
Neha and I went to eat recess with Venessa...
All in all.
No homework...
Nessie was like, "I want to go to a music school in England if I have a chance to!!!"
And I totally agreed.
If only there was a chance for us to go...
If only...
By the way,
I finally got my Literature book (which was out of stock last month when I went to buy the Sec 2 schoolbooks)...
It's titled Things Fall Apart.
By that famous African writer (whom is highly regarded and respected) called Chinua Achebe.
Lovely and simple story.
But the ending's quite sad...
Okonkwo died...
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Mozart is coming today!!!
We're really excited!!!
Yanny couldn't stop squealing,
And I?
I was doing my work so now I'm really excited...
It sounds a little weird,
This post,
But er...
I'm kind of distracted now.
We're going to pick up the rabbit later at about 7 o'clock...
I'll post videos of it next week if possible.
Friday, January 1, 2010
BLESSED NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My new blog.
A new journey.
A new ME.
This year is to be a new year.
I'm getting Mozart (my rabbit) next week,
on Saturday.
School's starting on Monday, 4th of January.
I'm 3rd in class for the Maths Online Quiz...
The results are included for Common Test 1!
Thankfully I got 82/100 marks for the test!!!
So I'm third!
:) :) :)
But I'm still 2nd after Neha...
I'm going to beat her for 1st place,
You can be sure!
On to other news,
This early morning (call it midnight),
While I was trying to sleep at 12am...
I thought I heard thunder.
But the more I listened,
The more I was sure that it wasn't thunder,
But fireworks!
I walked towards my window,
And into the far distance (probably Johor),
I saw tiny specks of green, red, yellow, and orange.
A beautiful sight,
Despite them being really small...
And then my friends and I were exchanging text messages at midnight...
Like "Happy New Year!!!" and such...
Then when I was lying back down on my bed,
Ready to sleep,
All of a sudden I heard,
And then some stupid guy started guffawing.
I was like,
"Shut up! I want to sleep!"
But never mind.
I'm probably boring you with my 'New Year' message...
1) Get 1st in class for all tests and exams.
2)Get into 3E1.
3)By end 2010, be a Grade 4 viola student.
4)Practice hard on my viola.
There, I've done my resolutions...
Have you done yours?